Samstag, 30. Januar 2016

Downtown Kelowna

On thursday I went downtown Kelowna with some friends and it was soo nice!
We went at 1 ish and at that time the weather wasnt that good yet but at around 2:30 it got really nice.
The sun was shining and the sky was blue. It was very windy but that was ok.
We didnt do a lot we were just walking around and later we had some pizza☺


There was no school from monday to thursday. The internationals had a soccer turnament on monday in Kelowna. It was with the internationals from all of the schools. I didnt want to play first but then I decided to go in a team with the mexican girls of my school and Lea.
We played 2 games against the Kss girls and we were better than expected!
Weeell we didnt win but it was very close! When the tournament was over we all went to the mall together:)

Samstag, 23. Januar 2016

Snow shoeing

We had the last internationals activity for this semester on wednesday. All of the internationals went to an old ski hill called crystal mountain to go snow shoeing there. The hill got closed a few years ago wich means that nobody else is going up there anymore. Our guides had a special permission to go there with us.
So we met in front of the school at nine and then we took a school bus up to crystal. Its in West Kelowna so we just had to drive for about 20 minutes.
It was very cloudy and kind of foggy at the school so I thought that the weather wouldnt be to good. But as we drove up there the clouds got less and less and by the time we arrived there were no clouds left. The sky was blue and the sun was shining it was realy BEAUTIFUL.
Not just the weather was beautiful. The ski hill was so nice and the "forest" we walked in was so untouched. It looked so pretty with all of the snow.
The snow shoeing was a bit of exercise for sure but it wasnt too bad. And it was really worth it.
We were walking for about 2 hours and everybody enjoyed it a lot.
On our way back to the school the bus stopped at tim Hortons. So everybody got out of the bus and there were a looot of people in tim hortons😁
Back at the school the weather was bad again. But whatever as long as it was good up there everything is fine☺

Freitag, 22. Januar 2016

Ski fahren (2)

Letztes Wochenende bin ich zum 2. mal Ski fahren gegangen. Ich war wieder mit meinen Mexikanern.
Das Wetter war leider mal wieder nicht sooo toll (Nebel und es hat die ganze Zeit geschneit) aber der Schnee war gut und  es hat Spaß gemacht!

Mittwoch, 13. Januar 2016

Winter formal Bilder

Wir haben jetzt endlich die Bilder bekommen!



Darpan, Emily, ich, Jill umd Audrey (alle aus dem Hockey team)

Yaika, Alicia, ich und Lizzy

Dienstag, 5. Januar 2016


In der letzten Ferienwoche ist Emily (eine Freundin) mit ihrer Mutter nach Vancouver gegangen und sie haben mich eingeladen mitzukommen! Da Emily dieses Jahr ihren Abschluss macht war der Dienstag unser grad dress shopping Tag😁 wir waren insgesamt in 5 Läden und am Ende wurde es eins der ersten Kleider die sie anprobiert hat. Abends haben wir uns dann mit einem Freund der Familie getroffen und in einem griechischen Restaurant gegessen.
Am nächsten Tag sind wir nach downtown gefahren (mit dem Skytrain) um ein bisschen rum zu laufen und natürlich zum Shoppen!!! Ich hab einiges gefunden aber bei jedem Stück das ich gekauft hab dachte ich immer wieder "Marie wie soll das noch in deinen Koffer passen?". Naja egal ich werde das mit dem. Koffer schon irgendwie hinbekommen.
Gegen 3 sind wir dann wieder mit dem Skytrain zurück zum Auto gefahren um zum ersten Laden zu fahren und das Kleid abzuholen. Als Emily das Kleid nochmal anprobiert hat wurde ich gefragt ob ich auch was anprobieren möchte und ich konnte einfach nicht anderst als ein Kleid anzuprobieren das ich schon die ganze Zeit im Auge hatte. Ich wusste zwar das ich es nicht kaufen kann aber es war trdz schön es anprobiert zu haben.
Auf dem Heimweg hatten wir einen guten Blick auf den wunderschönen Sonnenuntergang. Der Himmel war erst orange, dann pink und dann lila. Das ganze sah mit den Bergen so schön aus.
Ich bin sehr froh das ich die Chance hatte nochmal nach Vancouver zu kommen und ich hatte echt ne schöne Zeit dort:)

Beim Shoppeeeen

Emilys Kleid und mein Traumkleid❤️❤️

Montag, 4. Januar 2016

With Taia an Elena

Elena and me went to Taia on monday morning. In the beginning we just stayed inside but then we decided to take Taias camera and take some pictures outside. There is so much snow and because of that the pictures turned out very nice. After that we went to the hot tub to warm up a little bit. We stayed in there for 30 minutes and it was so relaxing and warm.
When we went out of the hot tub we felt like going downtown so we took the next bus to get there.
We were in a few different stores and we walked around. At 6 ish we almost went back home but then we decided to go to kelly o briens to eat there.everyone got Pachos (like always) and they were so good👍



My eye
